ABout our foundation
Since 2003, The Foundation Has Remained Committed To It's Mission To Support Our Seniors.
About Our Foundation
“The Gulfport Multipurpose Senior Center Foundation, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 charitable non-profit organization that raises monies to support Senior Center programs and services, making the Center better for our seniors.”
The Foundation’s Mission
To raise and distribute funds that support and enhance health, educational, social and recreational programs and services of the Gulfport Multipurpose Senior Center.
The Foundation’s Vision
To collaborate with the Senior Center to create an environment that facilitates positive aging.
To modernize the Senior Center facility to meet community needs.
To support programs and services that attract and engage the senior community in an active, socially rewarding lifestyle.

Building Community, Supporting Independence.
As the community population ages, we face the critical challenge to continue providing for the growing needs ahead. In conjunction with the City of Gulfport, the Gulfport Senior Center Foundationis making plans to construct a new, larger, and more senior-focused center.
The new building will be configured using the concept of universal design. In this way, the building can serve an age-diverse population that is accessible to everyone, i.e. wider doors and hallways, quality lighting, and no curbed entries.
Through this effort, we will demonstrate that our community truly cares about the health, welfare, safety, and dignity of all our citizens, particularly the older adults we serve every day.
The Foundation’s Accomplishments
Since 2008, Foundation purchases for the Senior Center have included: Exercise equipment and health station for the Foundation Fitness Center, construction of the Senior Center Memorial Garden and Celebration Wall artwork by Brenda McMahon, video camera, touch free water fountain, new shelving for the Food Pantry, replacement of furniture for the patio and artwork on the patio, televisions, computers, digital piano, fireproof safe, stainless steel sink for art room.

The Foundation has currently raised $200,000 versus their goal of $500,000 to support the City in building a new Multipurpose Senior Center. In addition, they continue to raise funds to support the Foundation's ongoing mission to support and enhance the health, educational, social and recreational programs and services of the Gulfport Multipurpose Senior Center.