Be One of the First to Get a Special Delivery Mailbox Created by a Local Artist

Auction September 29, 2024
Reception 5-6 pm, Auction 6 pm

Ten local artists are creating artistic and functional mailboxes and posts that will be auctioned live, at the Catherine Hickman Theater, September 29, 2024. Artists Reception at 5-6 pm. Live Auction begins in the theater at 6 pm. All proceeds will benefit the Gulfport Senior Center Building Fund.

Please join us in thanking the 10 Local Artists Participating in the First Annual Gulfport Special Delivery. Each Artist will create a Uniquely Creative and Functional Mail Box and Post, to be auctioned live.

The 2024 Contributing Artists are: Kiersty Long, Stacey Purcell, Eric Folsom, Jason Durocher, CreaSirene Egan Romanelli, Jane Van Der Voordt, Doug D’souza, David Feldman, Scott Linde and Leslie Gilchrist.

We are so happy and can’t wait to see what they create. Please help share their Facebook group and plan to come. You will receive updates and we will be posting additional info here on this page.

The Think Tank organizing this event is Julie Armstrong, Carmen Cardona, and Karen Behmke Love. If you have any questions please reach out to one of us. Please follow this page and we will give more details and photos as we get closer. Please join the Facebook group here for regular updates.
